Frequently Asked Questions


Where are you located?

1301 E. Grandview Blvd. Erie, PA 16504.

Stop in and see us during open hours!

Are you a non-profit?

Yes! We are registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

When will you be opening?

We are open!

We operate Tuesday/Thursday from 12 PM - 6PM, and Saturday from 10AM - 3PM.

Where can I donate my items?

We have a donation bin right outside of our store!

Drop off your items at your convenience. If you require a tax receipt for your donation, please drop off your donations during open hours so we may provide one to you.

When do items go on sale?

Our business model is to keep prices fair for our customers every day, so you don’t have to wait for a sale.

However, we occasionally run sales on items that we are overstocked on or at the end of a season.

What can I donate?

We accept most items in good, working condition, including clothing, small furniture, toys, linens, books, media, jewelry, crafts, tools, pet supplies and household goods.

See our Donate page for a more detailed list of accepted items and alternative solutions for items not accepted.

Can you send me updates?

We can't say it enough! Yes! Please visit us on Facebook or join our mailing list below.

We want to make sure that as soon as we know information, that it is relayed to our supporters. Emails and social media are the best ways for that to happen!

What happens to my donation?

We inspect all donated items and determine if they meet our standards to be offered for reuse in our store. If they do not, we determine if they can be passed along to another local organization for use, before offering them for free and as a last resort recycling or properly disposing of them.

Some common items we pass along are blankets for animals, craft materials, mini toys/trinkets, dated/team t-shirts, medical equipment, select books, medical equipment, stuffed animals, construction materials, maternity clothing, baseball caps, eyeglasses and more. Follow us on Facebook for periodic updates on more ways we keep items in use and out of the landfill.